Tune in to Twitch this Saturday for the Link: The Faces of Evil Livestream. Watch me suffer and try to defeat this notorious game!
For those new to the Game Challenge, I take bad games (Most of them will be licensed games…the title of this was originally Licensed Game Challenge) and see if I can beat them within a certain amount of time (4 hours).
This was originally going to be the first one, but I ended up having some time to do two before this: Total Recall for the NES, which I lost, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula for the SNES, which I beat.
For the first two, I was trying to beat them before midnight, but with Link, since it is a Saturday, I am going for 6 hours (8 PM to 2 AM). I may go longer if I am close to the end or if things are on a roll; I’ll see how it goes.
I’m going to have my Paypal button up, so if you are entertained and feel like throwing a couple of bucks my way, it would be greatly appreciated. If not, that’s cool, too.
I’ll be chatting with the audience, answering questions and whatnot. Come and join the fun! The last two were a blast; this is going to be great!
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